NSFW Christmas Lights Sneakily Reveal Naughty Bits

Warning: Slightly NSFW

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Hiring someone to install your Christmas lights ? Treat that person with a heavy dose of holiday kindness, or you might be in for a big surprise.

That's what happened to the city of Brighton in the U.K., whose holiday decoration installer got a bit too creative.

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But if not for this video shot from specific camera angles, the not-so-subtle cheeky humor might have gone unnoticed. Or maybe not.

Update: Look out! Could be a hoax. But it's still funny, and if it's fake, this is some remarkable effects work. Update 2: It's a fake, according to The Argus .

BONUS: 15 Weird and Wacky Christmas Tree Ornaments

1. Reindeer Poop Now we know the real reason the other reindeer laughed at Rudolph. Price: $10.95

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Graphic courtesy The Poke

This story originally published on Mashable here .

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