RIMs first BlackBerry 10 smartphone to be called the Z10

BlackBerry 10 smartphone Research In Motion s ( RIMM ) first BlackBerry 10 smartphone, formerly known as the L-Series and London will apparently be called the BlackBerry Z10 according to marketing materials obtained by UnwiredView. RIM s QWERTY BlackBerry 10 device that s slated for a release sometime between March and June will reportedly go by the name BlackBerry X10. As we inch closer to BlackBerry 10 s launch on January 30th in New York City , all eyes are on RIM to deliver a new smartphone and OS that finally catches up to iOS and Android . Most recently, RIM s Dev Alpha B smartphone running BB10 was spotted crushing the iPhone 5 on iOS 6 and HTC ( 2498 ) Windows Phone 8X running Windows Phone 8 in a Web browser speed and rendering comparison test . All RIM needs to do now is deliver compelling hardware and apps to sway users who have long since abandoned BlackBerrys for iPhones and DROIDS.

[More from BGR: RIM beats estimates in Q3, but subscriber base shrinks ]

This article was originally published by BGR

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